Garden Design in Cambridgeshire

Services offered:
Garden design
Project management
Planting plans
Habitat creation for wildlife
Help with growing your own vegetables
Plants for patios and balconies

If you would like to explore some new ideas for your garden please get in touch to arrange a chat.
"I'm so happy to be helping the local wildlife - thank you for your work Heather" - Neil, Cambridge
Biodiversity is declining globally and the UK is in the bottom 10% of nature depleted countries (WWF) in the world. But its not too late. I've seen a growing trend of clients asking me how they can make their gardens more wildlife friendly in recent years. Some of my projects have included building stumperies, installing hedgehog houses and bird nesting boxes to sowing wildflower seeds for pollinators. For more information, check out my wildlife section.

"Heather helped us sort through our random ideas and created a lovely, coherent garden for us" - Amy, St Ives.
If you're in a bit of a dilemma about what to do with your garden, I can help you unravel your ideas to create a beautiful outside space that suits your lifestyle. From balconies and small courtyards to large urban gardens, I've got experience of designing a wide range of gardens. You can find out more on my gallery page.